The Infamous KK Attack: Some people meet online, some people are introduced through friends, and Jordan was attacked at the KK
October 17, 2018
The First Date: A Dotty's burger, a Spotted Cow and some fries
October 18, 2018
He in fact, did not scare Jordan away...
October 18, 2018
She paid attention!
October 19, 2018
The Jays - always playing it cool...
November 01, 2018
You too Lisa...
November 28, 2018
The day Jordan asked Perri to be his girlfriend - the rest was history (but we'll go through some of it anyway)
May 11, 2019
The day we graduated together
June 19, 2019
LA - the first of our many trips together
July 21, 2021
Napa - we will skip over the pics of Jordan's personal favorite trip - our masked COVID experience at Skytop Lodge - and skip to Perri's favorite trip (before the incident... if ykyk)
March 27, 2022
Nashville - our last trip together before signing our first ever apartment
May 15, 2022
The Caroline... and the infamous inflatable couch. Thanks to Jo-Elle and crew at Valyou furniture - this was the couch in our first ever apartment for 4 months
May 16, 2022
August 24, 2022
And our favorite of all the trips where we ate our way through Paris and Florence
September 25, 2022
The day Perri officially became a Dolphins fan (sorry Alan and Chase)
September 01, 2023
And a short little getaway to Newport, Rhode Island
May 29, 2024
Finally, the day Perri said yes!
May 30, 2024
Oh, and we promise we will practice the dip before the wedding...